Once, again, the week has gone very well, despite the very normal and rewarding challenges.
Started on Monday with a canceled family home evening at the church, due to the fact that no one came......okay! We'll just go out to find more people to teach...so, we go up north, and initially we were going about, some apartment complexes looking for a woman who we had talked to a couple weeks back about the importance of the family in the church, we could not get in touch with her, so we stayed in the area...as we were walking back from the apartment complexes we started talking to a man, and he was interested to know more about our beliefs and come to church! Until that point at night I had a feeling, 'there has to be a reason we were led up here' and we discovered that reason before the night finished. Woohoo!
Sunday dinner with Elder Bigelow's family |
An interesting phenomenon this week; we went looking for people to teach and we had many different occasions where we would meet someone who went through a tragedy, such as the loss of a son, or brother, or daughter. What really surprised me was they said, 'this is a really difficult time for me, I can't deal with religion right now' Well, if you knew, this IS THE PERFECT time for religion! The plan of salvation explains where we were, why we're here, and what's going to happen to us after! Through sharing with various people the plan of salvation we saw some cool miracle lessons on the street. I really like sharing The Plan of Salvation! It's great.
We found a couple people on the street this week, and it was too bad that they didn't want to learn more after we explained this amazing plan. :( But we're still going hard to work here, even if I feel pretty tire. It is good to shake up the routine, and that keeps us happy. Our lessons with T, and visits with less actives and members in the ward help to boost morale.
T continues to progress, and the members of the ward are surrounding him and that makes our job much more comforting! I assume having a kid go off to school and be included and loved by the other kids works for a parental analogy. Man, I just want T to feel included because the ward should be a family, and thank you ward! You're doing a great job. We need to keep people in the church, not just baptize them, or else, what benefit comes from unlasting conversion? None really. So, we are preparing T for baptism this week, and I am thankful for his choice to be baptized, he's making such a big, good decision!
I love all of you! If I had any advice this week, it would be: do good and be good! Congratulations to my cousins going to Malaga Spain and Milan Italy on their missions! Also to Stephie going to Australia! The Lord will bless all of you so much!
Good week, here we come!